Course Brief
Risk Assessment helps form the foundational basis for any information security activity – be it compliance, audit, penetration testing, incident investigations, etc. A formal risk assessment methodology is one that is measurable, comparable and repeatable.
ISO 27005 is one of the leading risk assessment methodologies in existence. The student will learn about the basics of risk, and how to carry out a formal risk assessment using ISO 27005
Course Contents
The Fundamentals of Risk
Concepts of Asset, Threat, Vulnerability, Impact, Risk
The ISO 27005 RA Methodology (Scoping, Asset Identification, Threat Identification, Vulnerability Identification, Risk Management – Accept, Transfer, Mitigate, Avoid)
Case Study & Hands-On Workshop
Target Audience
Minimum Attendance
A minimum of 4 participants are required for the training.
A pre-read of the ISO 27005 risk assessment methodology will help grasp concepts quickly during the training.
Book Risk Management / Compliance Training from Ingram Micro